Jumat, 31 Mei 2013


In this age, we start to think "who our couple?" "who our soulmate?"
Even though Allah give it for us, but we also need to get it. We can't just say "please be mine!!!"
It's not easy as we think, we need struggle to get it.
Oke, I will give you some steps to get your love
  • Be Your Self. You must be your  self. When we pretend to be other, it's not good, guys. Slow but sure, your true characteristic will show up. Don't be lie. Be your self.
  • Show Up Your Feeling. Show up your love, if you really love she/he.For example, when she/he tell about problem, listen it carefully. Be good listener.
  • Care. It's so important. But don't overprotective.
  • Be friendly whit her/his friend. Don't be jealous with their existence. If you close with her/his friend so you get more information about she/he.
  • Patient
  •  Pray To Allah.
  • And the last, Don't Give up..!!

Kamis, 30 Mei 2013


Life is between "B" and "D". Yes, life is "C".
What is the meaning of it?
B is birth, C is choice and D is die..
Yes, Life is choice..
Choose to be good or bad...it depend on your self...
Good life start from good choice, and it must suitable with our capability,characteristic,and our circle.

Life is never flat..
Don't give up..!!

Kamis, 23 Mei 2013


Woman is so special. She can be a mother and a father. Sometimes, she looks beautiful. Sometimes she looks  arrogant. She is jewelry of the world, she is the most beautiful in this world.

Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Translate of Al Zalzalah and Al Ikhlas

Al Zalzalah
1). When Earth is shaken with her ( final ) earthquake
2). And Earth yielded up her burdens
3). And man said: What ailed her?
4). that day she will relate her chronicles
5). Because they Lord inspired her
6). That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds
7). And whoso doeth good an atom’s weight will see it then
8). And whoso doeth ill an atom’s weight will see it then

Al Ikhlas
1). Say : He is Allah , the One!
2). Allah, the eternally Besought of all!
3). He begetter not nor was begotten
4). And there is none comparable unto Him

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013


Memulai itu sulit
Mempertahankan jauh lebih sulit
Tapi kita pasti bisa..!!
Berkhuznudzonlah kepada Allah dan masa depan

Sebaik baik ilmu adalah yang diamalkan
Sebaik baik harta dalah yang disedekahkan
dan sebaik naik manusia adalah yang bermanfaat

Menjadilah orang yang pintar merasa, jangan menjadi orang yang merasa pintar...

Menurutku, Manusia itu....

Setiap orang itu sempurna....
Kalaupun ada yang tak sempurna, bukanlah salah manusianya, apalagi salah Penciptanya...
Dia Maha Sempurna...
Setiap manusia memiliki sisi sempurnanya masing masing...

Manusia adalah kholifah di Bumi...
Manusia yang memegang kendali dunia dan seisinya, bukan dunia yang mengendalikan manusia.
Itulah hakikat kecil manusia dari sekian banyak hakekat yang dimiliki...

Terkadamg kita mendengar kalimat "memanusiakan manusia"....
apakah kita belum layak disebut manusia sehingga perlu dimanusiakan ???

Katanya manusia itu yang berperikemanusiaan, yang berakal dan bernafsu...
Audah pantaskah kita disebut manusia?
Apakah kita seutuhnya manusia?
ataukah manusia setengah dewa?
atau bahkan manusia setengah.............???